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Mobile-Image : Mellow Yellows spring make-over
01-09-2008, 05:33 PM
Post: #1
Mobile-Image : Mellow Yellows spring make-over
This past weekend Myself and Rusty got to detail this baby...

[Image: resized_DSC00396.jpg]

To anyone who hasn't seen this colour in the flesh it is awesome and I think it complements the R26's racy looks flawlessly !

Quick list of tools and products for this one

Sonax Xtreme Wheel cleaner
Sonax High Gloss shampoo
Sonax Polymer dewax
Sonax Glass cleaner
Sonax Tar remover
Automagic Medium clay
Menzerna 106FF
CG's Xtreme Top Coat
CG's XXX paste wax
Meg's Gold Class wax
Meg's Endurance tyre gel
Mothers Back to Black
LC White pad
Mini blower
Various brushes, MF cloths and other bits

Not to many befores as we wanted to get stuck in asap but here are a couple.

[Image: resized_DSC00354.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00355.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00357.jpg]\
[Image: resized_DSC00358.jpg]
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[Image: resized_DSC00360.jpg]
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[Image: resized_DSC00366.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00367.jpg]

Overall the car looked fairly clean with a few RIDS here and there and general swirling but we wouldn't know for sure until it was properly clean.

Car was foamed, left to dwell and then rinsed, rewashed followed by claying and then rinse and dry.

[Image: resized_DSC00369.jpg]

We had a visitor while we were drying up...Maya came to check on her ride Bluebiggrin
[Image: resized_DSC00370.jpg]

Some quick snaps out in the sun to see what the paint looked like. This colour proved extremely difficult to photograph nicely so not many useable pics here. Pretty much swirled all over with some marks here and there but nothing too serious.

[Image: resized_DSC00371.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00372.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00373.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00377.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00382.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00383.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00385.jpg]

We found a single pass with 106FF on the white LC pad pretty much did the job. Some areas were hit twice to remove some deeper RIDS but overall the 106FF did a stellar job.

Test section on front bonnet after single pass.
[Image: resized_DSC00389.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00392.jpg]

Head and Tail lights were polished as well. Not much difference to be seen in the pics aside from the crisper deeper reflections

[Image: resized_DSC00393.jpg]

and after
[Image: resized_DSC00394.jpg]

Rims were treated to some Gold Class and Endurance gel
[Image: resized_DSC00397.jpg]

Unfortunately my camera's battery died when we went to drop the vehicle off so I only got in a few snaps afterwards of the finished job Hammerhead I think Rusty has a few on his cell as well that he might post up

[Image: resized_DSC00396.jpg]
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[Image: resized_DSC00401.jpg]
[Image: resized_DSC00402.jpg]

Thanks for looking Clap

David : 083 642 2118

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Mobile-Image : Mellow Yellows spring make-over - Carn - 01-09-2008 05:33 PM

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