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Mobile-Image : Golf IV - Part 2
11-08-2008, 11:07 AM
Post: #1
Mobile-Image : Golf IV - Part 2
Following on from last week when myself and Rustbucket tested the Menzerna polishes on my brothers bonnet, I got round to finishing his car completely yesterday. Unfortunately the fresh 'before' pics I took yesterday were all overexposed and came out pretty terribly (old POS camera Bluebiggrin ) so I will have to make use of the handful that came out ok as well as some from last week. Yesterday also gave me an ideal opportunity to test the Flex XC 3401 VRG over the course of a full detail on a his black Golf IV.

Car was given a quick wash down and dewax, then the rims were scrubbed and rinsed before being dried off and taped up. Not much work was needed in the actual washing stage because it was done properly last weekend so I could get stuck into the polishing yesterday.

The car was polished using the Flex 3401 and Menzerna IP on the blue Flex pad. LSP was a sample of Meg's new formula M21 Synthetic Sealant applied by hand.

Some before pics, the whole car pretty much looked like the bonnet and fenders. Lots of swirls and a few RDS here and there :

[Image: DSC00002.jpg]
[Image: DSC00003.jpg]
[Image: DSC00005.jpg]
[Image: DSC00080.jpg]
[Image: DSC00082.jpg]

Car taped up and ready for some Flex action Bluebiggrin

[Image: DSC00083.jpg]
[Image: DSC00086.jpg]
[Image: DSC00085.jpg]

Quick 50/50 after a single pass of IP

[Image: DSC00081.jpg]

And some final after pics I snapped this morning as it was dark when we finished yesterday

[Image: DSC00095.jpg]
[Image: DSC00101.jpg]
[Image: DSC00103.jpg]
[Image: DSC00098.jpg]
[Image: DSC00100.jpg]
[Image: DSC00105.jpg]

Overall I was very impressed with the outcome Wink

David : 083 642 2118

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11-08-2008, 11:34 AM
Post: #2
RE: Golf IV.....Part II
looks awesome! I'm sure he is very pleased with his "new" car Bluebiggrin

freerider AKA don

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11-08-2008, 04:00 PM
Post: #3
RE: Golf IV.....Part II
Excellent work guys. I agree with Don, the car looks better than new.

I love the rear fender pics and the 50/50 shots. Mags are looking neat.

So, what do you guys think of M21 Synthetic Sealant 2.0? Version 1 was pretty think so you have to guard against using too much.
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11-08-2008, 07:41 PM
Post: #4
RE: Golf IV.....Part II
Thanks for the kind words guys Wink

The M21 went on really nicely Siya, was able to spread it easily and achieve a nice even layer on the paint. It was a little grabby when removing it but I wasn't sure how long to leave it to cure so that may have been the problem. I am also not 100% sure if it is supposed to be machine applied or what but it worked Bluebiggrin

David : 083 642 2118

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11-08-2008, 07:50 PM
Post: #5
RE: Golf IV.....Part II
Looks great and I told you you would love the Flex didn't I? You did some awesome work. I had someone give me a sample of the Megs 21 but it came open and spilled out all over my garage floor and I never got to use it. After seeing what you did with it I wish I had gotten to at least try it. Again you did a fantastic job and I bet your brother was really impressed.

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