Forum Rules - Please take the time to read and understand these.
01-07-2008, 10:18 AM
Post: #1
Forum Rules - Please take the time to read and understand these.
In order to keep the forums running well and to prevent problems, please follow these simple rules for the forums here. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to ask the Moderators.
By becoming a member of you agree to adhere to these guidelines and Rules. These guidelines are subject to change and a current version is always available in the forums. Members that violate these rules may be suspended or banned. Your username may not be more than 16 letters and/or digits long. If you set up a username longer than this the moderators off the site will amend it and you will be notified by email. Although the Administrators and Moderators of will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, we cannot be responsible for message content. All messages express the views of the author. The owners, admin and moderators of the forum except no responsibilty for the views expressed within this forum by the authors/members. The owners or the representatives of may remove, edit, move, or close topics they feel do not follow the rules. is not responsible for anything you do as a result of information or advice obtained at this site. Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed. (Please use good judgement when choosing user names, avatars, or images to post, and do not attempt to bypass the word filter. It is there for a reason.) Use your judgment to post in the correct forum section. Any post not in the correct section may be moved without prior notice to the correct forum. Please do not post offensive images or content. Any such images or content will be removed and a warning may be sent by PM to the person or persons involved. Any thread with questionable content, should be labelled as such in the topic title. E.g. NWS (not work safe). If the post is not marked then a moderator may change or edit your post to suit. Any post or thread may be removed at a moderator’s discretion without informing the post / thread author of the reason. Please do not post pictures of vehicles that advertise your business .These will be removed. Any sort of advertising within pictures will be removed without notice . Personal attacks, rudeness, flaming, baiting, insults to others, or arguments will not be tolerated. Challenge others points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Please refrain from making excessive negative comments. As the saying goes "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it". Any member who threatens anyone on the forum, via PM, instant messengers, or Email, will be banned immediately without notice. We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.Our decision is final in these matters. Please do not question or discuss moderation or administrative decisions on the forum. If you have a query, then please PM a moderator. If you feel you were treated unfairly by a moderator and wish to complain about them, then please contact waxoncoza (chief admin) via PM If you break the rules in any way then you may be dealt with accordingly. This can range from a suspension for a number of days to an instant ban. Normally you will receive at least one warning before any action is taken. If you repeatedly break the same rule your account will be at risk of an extended (months) suspension or even a permanent ban. No commercial advertising or selling of any kind allowed in the forums, this is not eBay. If you are interested in advertising, contact the site owners about becoming a forum sponsor. Your signature/avater/profile is not a place to advertise your business, website, forum, etc. Anything considered to be advertising or "spam" will be removed without notice. Private sales are allowed in the traders forum, but if you are deemed a commercial seller posting in the traders forum, your post will be removed without notice. Please do not add your webiste to your profile if it is a business While we do not mind users mentioning other forums, blatant advertising or repeated bumping of posts with a web address within will not be tolerated. Any advertising with commercial links to any other business than approved sponsors can be deleted without notice(Please do not advertise your own business without prior consent from a site owner) Posting of copyright material is strictly forbidden and will be removed without notice. (Unless of course permission has been granted by the author or credit to the author has been given as per the terms of a licence/contract for usage.) Blatant spamming of threads is not allowed and any such posts will be removed without notice, please also keep on topic. Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or the such. Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed. Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed. This includes using the forum email and Private message system to spam other members. While these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way. Disclaimer: the management team cannot be held responsible for any detailing work carried out my any member and any related information with our logo on not approved by us in advance The Owners, Adminstration and Moderators except no responsibility for any information that is posted by members that could result in legal action against that member. Any Defamatory Comments made on are those of the post writer and not of the Forum owners or administration team. We will except no responsibility for any defamatory comments made by members that could result in legal action against that member. approved traders are forum sponsors and we except no responsibilty (legal or otherwise) for any transactions or disagreements that may occur, these must be dealt with directly with that company. Supporters are forum sponsors and we except no responsibilty (legal or otherwise) for any transactions or work carried out by that party. And lastly 'This is our house and you are a guest, subsequently we expect you to act respectfully'. |
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